Thursday, September 17, 2009


Once upon a time, there were a couple of guys that worked in electronics for so long that they wanted to try something different. This is their story.

Afinia is an adventure story. In the process of travelling around the world, they developed a taste for unique and fine things. They touched, examined, hefted, and, well, ogled thousands of products from around the world.

We (abrupt change from third person!) offer only the very best of the things we have found. We search for things that stand out in their category. That's why you find the (shameless product plug!) Frank Lloyd Wright Globes from Replogle. Not just a $59 special from (in the interest of not getting sued, we have omitted the name of the big store with the red bullseye logo here) with a paper ball and a plastic base. You know, the good stuff. If you don't understand the purpose of a $350 globe, well, move along.

If nothing else, you should spend some time reading our product copy on the website. I think it's interesting reading - we spend a lot of time writing it ourselves and trying to really create a sense of each product's cool-factor.

We've even hidden some funny things in the site - ranging from quirky examples to tear-jerking one-liners.

This site, Afinia Times, is an outlet for the stuff that didn't really have a place there. Quips that didn't fit in the copy. Background information that helps you understand the product. And an insider glimpse in to a catalog company that you generally won't get without working for one.

By the way, we also pride ourselves on our grammatical and spelling prowess. That's part of what makes our product copy great. But we have deliberately hidden mistakes throughout the website, and there's a small prize if you identify one and alert us. The prize is (drumroll) a sense of satisfaction at having been able to better us in our pursuit of linguistic excellence. Someday maybe we'll give out t-shirts too.


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