Top Ten things you could do with an
Afinia Pergola:
10. Have a donut-eating contest (you know, where you hang the donuts from strings)
9. Pull-ups. (If you won the donut-eating contest, you should strongly consider this).
8. Grow grapes. Then you could, like, lie outside under your pergola and pick some grapes and eat them.
7. Grow vines. It's like a roof made out of flowers. Personally, I like Morning Glory, but I don't know if it's strictly for climbing up mailbox posts or if it works as a horizontal vine too. Don't eat these though. They're psychoactive and toxic.
6. Tie up the dog to it. Or the cat. (Is that cruel? Why is it cruel to tie up a cat and not a dog? I think there's a deeper issue here, one that merits introspection and possibly the formation of a social movement.)
5. Host a party. Call it a pergola party. Then see how many people e-mail you to find out what a 'pergola party' is and whether this party is okay if they're not 'socially progressive'.
4. If you have money to throw around... Put it somewhere interesting, perhaps somewhere the zoning commission might not like. Hey, it doesn't require a license to put one of these up, but any well-placed structure is sure to get the municipal control freaks fired up. Get creative. I'm not recommending anything illegal here, but if you go the creative route, send me a picture and maybe we'll send you a small gift or rebate part of the cost of the pergola... Again, nothing illegal...
3. Hold a Japanese Tea Ceremony. This one
looks sort of oriental-ish... You could reenact the scene from Karate Kid. And if you could get Tamlyn Tomita there, well, that would be cool. She was in CSI Miami this year, you know. Okay, that scene wasn't shot in a pergola, but then hey, you're no Ralph Macchio, are you. Especially after the donuts.
Re-enact the beach scenes from your favorite 60s movie. Okay, this one's not a pergola, but it's close...
1. Add a gel fireplace and relax on your double lounge as you watch your children/grandchildren/hey whose neighbor kid is that? play with their pedal cars in the yard
Shameless product plugs. Sorry, it had to be done...